воскресенье, 1 декабря 2019 г.


There are a lot of topics that are extremely interesting to me, but I would like to share with you some of them which I find the most exciting to write about:

     1. Are romantic movies damaging to real relationships?
I am in deeply interested in psychology, I also love movies of different kinds. And, of course, since I a girl, I into watching romantic movies as well. So this topic is interesting to me because i’ve always wondered what effect looking at peferct dates, 90-60-90 bodies, “princes” performing exploits for love makes in real relationships.

     2. How is the Internet affecting our intelligence?
I have a lot disputes with my friends about the current situation in the world caused by the era of the Internet. I’m curious whether the influence of the Internet is good or bad. I think this topic is extremely important nowadays, and I would love to discuss it.

     3. Should people be judged by their social media posting?

Nowadays, the page on Instagram “represents the face” of many users of this social media. Some people become obsessed with the content they post there. Since i’m also an active user of Instagram, I would be like to discuss this topic and find the answer on this question for myself.

     4. Why are movies like “The Lion King” ones kids watch over and over?

I’ve been watching the cartoon “The Lion King” since my early childhood; I still love it with all my heart and never get tired of it, even though I know all the cues of the characters. This question made me wonder why I enjoy this movie and some others so much. The discussion of this topic would give an answer and understanding to me, why such kind of movies is deeply loved by all the kids.

     5. Why do adults enjoy Disney movies?
This topic is pretty close to the previous one. I know a huge number of adults who enjoy watching “The Lion King”, “Frozen”, “Moana” and other cartoons. For some reason, 
Disney movies are interesting to people of all generations, and it would be exciting to find out why. 

      6. What makes a successful marriage?
I’ve already mentioned that i’m very much into psychology. In addition, I’ve been in a serious and happy relationship for the last couple of years, and I suppose we’ll get married one day, so I have my own interest in this topic. I also think that it would be useful for everyone who is married or is just going to marry. 

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