четверг, 19 декабря 2019 г.



     Every person in the world has his own dreams and goals. But, at the same time, he has the fears. What is fear? It’s a feeling which is holding you back from success. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears”, said the legendary motivational speaker Les Brown. Learning how to overcome your fear is one of the most powerful tools you can have, and here are three ways to do it.
     One of the best ways to overcome your fears is to face them. When you’re trying to avoid the fear, you only make it scarier for you, but if you face it, it should start to fade. For example, if you panic beginning to talk in front of the audience, it’s best to find more opportunities for your public speeches. This simple strategy will make you more confident over time.
     Another way to cope with your fears is to quit trying to be perfect. Bad days and setbacks will always happen, and it’d all right not to have things figured out because the failure can be the way to success. After failing in dance battles, some people give up taking part in comptetitions since they’re extremely afraid of losing. So, try to enjoy your life in every case and don’t judge yourself too strictly.
     The third way to overcome the fears is to reward yourself. When you’re scared of doing something, the thought of a little treat afterwards will motivat you. For example, when you make a call you’ve always been dreading, reinforce your success by treating yourself to a new dress, a book, a meal out, or any other present which makes you pleased. This way of overcoming your fears is always useful.
     Once you’ve learnt how to overcome your fears, nothing is holding you back anymore. Most fears today hold people from reaching their full potential, so it’s time to get over them. Are you ready to try these strategies to achieve your dream?

воскресенье, 1 декабря 2019 г.


There are a lot of topics that are extremely interesting to me, but I would like to share with you some of them which I find the most exciting to write about:

     1. Are romantic movies damaging to real relationships?
I am in deeply interested in psychology, I also love movies of different kinds. And, of course, since I a girl, I into watching romantic movies as well. So this topic is interesting to me because i’ve always wondered what effect looking at peferct dates, 90-60-90 bodies, “princes” performing exploits for love makes in real relationships.

     2. How is the Internet affecting our intelligence?
I have a lot disputes with my friends about the current situation in the world caused by the era of the Internet. I’m curious whether the influence of the Internet is good or bad. I think this topic is extremely important nowadays, and I would love to discuss it.

     3. Should people be judged by their social media posting?

Nowadays, the page on Instagram “represents the face” of many users of this social media. Some people become obsessed with the content they post there. Since i’m also an active user of Instagram, I would be like to discuss this topic and find the answer on this question for myself.

     4. Why are movies like “The Lion King” ones kids watch over and over?

I’ve been watching the cartoon “The Lion King” since my early childhood; I still love it with all my heart and never get tired of it, even though I know all the cues of the characters. This question made me wonder why I enjoy this movie and some others so much. The discussion of this topic would give an answer and understanding to me, why such kind of movies is deeply loved by all the kids.

     5. Why do adults enjoy Disney movies?
This topic is pretty close to the previous one. I know a huge number of adults who enjoy watching “The Lion King”, “Frozen”, “Moana” and other cartoons. For some reason, 
Disney movies are interesting to people of all generations, and it would be exciting to find out why. 

      6. What makes a successful marriage?
I’ve already mentioned that i’m very much into psychology. In addition, I’ve been in a serious and happy relationship for the last couple of years, and I suppose we’ll get married one day, so I have my own interest in this topic. I also think that it would be useful for everyone who is married or is just going to marry. 

пятница, 15 ноября 2019 г.


I would like to tell you about my favourite resource for learning English. It’s called LinguaLeo. The link to it is https://lingualeo.com/ru/

LinguaLeo is an educational online platform offering an English learning service based on gamification methods.
I discovered this resource a long time ago when I only started to learn languages and I still find very enjoyable to use it for improving my skills. The website provides a huge number of materials and tasks for your learning and it covers all the aspects of the language - from grammar to lexis.
Improving your language with LinguaLeo isn’t just useful, but it’s also entertaining because the tasks aren’t ordinary. You can listen to the famous songs and and enlarge your vocabulary with the words from them. You can watch the episodes from your favourite movies and series. One of the options on the website I like the most is the opportunity to read interesting articles on many different topics - from nature to psychology. These texts also include a lot of new words to learn.
An important advantage of the website is that you can complete a test on vocabulary or on grammar and to check your progress. The better your English becomes, the more complicated tasks and texts you get.
I also love that you can use this educational platform on any device you need, no matter if it’s android, or IPhone, or a computer.

I would like to strongly recommend this website to everyone who learns English and wants to make his learning exciting and entertaining.

понедельник, 4 ноября 2019 г.

Post 3. ROOM 101


     I would like to introduce a short list of the things which drive me crazy when I meet them in my daily life, and if I could choose, I would definitely send them to the room where they could disappear.

  1. First of all, the thing which sometimes makes me mad is the habit of the people to listen to the music in their headphones too laudly not caring about other people’s comfort or discomfort. Everyone has his own musical preferences, and it’s alright if one person loves rock music and another prefers classical one. I spend a lot of time in marshrutka number 35 from Monday to Friday, and it’s extremely annoying when after a long tough day I have to listen to somebody’s music instead of sitting in silence or sleeping on my way home.
  2. Another thing that I really hate is when you’re in a hurry in the morning and you want to make a sandwich or just to eat some bread with butter, but when you try to spread the butter over the bread, you fail because the butter is too frozen, and it takes time for it to melt a little bit for you to be able to prepare your breakfast. 
  3. And finally, I think everyone has met this problem in his life at least once. It always annoys me when i’m sitting in the cinema and watching an exciting film, but I can hear people from the nearby rows constantly talking, or chewing, or rustling with the packages from food. The main point in the cinema is the film - not food, not talkings. If you want to eat, you can go to the restaurant. If you want to have a conversation, you can also go to any other place. I’m a respecter of people’s comfort and private space, so I want people to respect mine as well.

среда, 30 октября 2019 г.


This article is written by Mark Manson and it was published on 21 May, 2015. 
The author decided to divide each person’s life into four Stages: 
  1. Mimicry (until late adolescence and early adulthood)
  2. Self-discovery (begins in mid- to late-adolescence and lasts into a person’s mid-20s to mid-30s)
  3. Commitment (from around 30-ish-year’s-old until one reaches retirement age)
  4. Legacy
Mark Manson describes each Stage according to the goals people have when they’re in one of the Stages. The Stages have their own features which make each Stage easy-recognizable. The author also says that it’s impossible to miss one of the Stages because we come from one Stage to another one by one. And the Stages don’t replace each other. They just transcend the previous Stage.
It often happens that some people get stuck in one Stage. Mark Manson also gives the specific reasons for being stuck in each Stage. But at the same time the author mentions the important reason of transition between the Stages - Trauma.
The main point of Mark Manson’s article is that developing through each subsequent stage of life grants us greater control over our happiness and well-being.

  1. What Life Stage are you in now?
  2. What features helped you to understand that you’re in this Stage?
  3. Have you discovered the things which go well for you? Do you know your limitations?

понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 г.


Hello, my name is Mariya Tumashova! 

I would say this picture perfectly represents one of my biggest passions in life - dancing.
I’ve been fond of this kind of art since my early age and i’ve gone through a lot of inner arguments to do what I do now and to put a lot of afford in it.
Dancing lets me tell the world about my feelings, thoughts and really deep and hidden from the people emotions. I’m a very emotional, expressive and anxious person. And my character is easy-recognizable in my dancing. It’s an everyday hard work full of happiness and tears.
But only while dance I feel that I am worth something.

Currently, i’m a member of a well-know dancing team in Novosibirsk, and i’m happy to tell you that i’ve been working as a dance couch for kids for over a year. It brings me endless joy and pleasure seeing the shining eyes of my students and watching their progress in dancing!

I’m a very creative person and I love reading and drawing. You can find a plenty of books of all centuries and countries in my home library and a pretty big number of pictures drawn in pencil or painted with gouache.
I’m deeply interested in human nature; that’s why I love taking part in different psychological marathons and trainings and watching lectures about people’s relationships.
Of course, I also love languages since i’m a student of a linguistics’ department. Improving my English and German makes me inspired and gives me the feeling that the world is amazing and there’s something beautiful in every language and culture.

I’m a huge WORLD AND PEOPLE LOVER, and I wish everyone to love and to be loved.